Player Information |
First Name: |
Last Name: |
Date of Birth: |
Street Address: |
City / Town: |
Postal Code: |
Telephone: |
Email: (contact email provided to coach) |
Health Conditions / Allergies: |
Parent / Legal Guardian Information (at least one must be entered) |
Parent / Guardian 1 |
Name: |
Relationship to Player: |
Telephone (if different from above): |
Email (if different from above): |
The OWBHL is a volunteer run organization and relies on volunteer to provide its programming. In the current pandemic, there will be a greater need for additional helping hands. Would you be willing to volunteer (optional)? |
The OWBHL shares important and timely information with participants through its mailing list (i.e., arena closures, scheduling changes, registration). |
Parent / Guardian 2 |
Name: |
Relationship to Player: |
Telephone (if different from above): |
Email (if different from above): |
The OWBHL is a volunteer run organization and relies on volunteer to provide its programming. In the current pandemic, there will be a greater need for additional helping hands. Would you be willing to volunteer (optional)? |
The OWBHL shares important and timely information with participants through its mailing list (i.e., arena closures, scheduling changes, registration). |
How Did You Hear About the OWBHL? |
Referred by another player? Tell us who and they could win a free season with the OWBHL! |