What is the OWBHL?
The OWBHL is a not-for-profit ball hockey league, which prides itself on offering a fun and recreational activity to children and youth ages 5 to 17.

How long does the program run?
The OWBHL season normally runs for 10 weeks. 

How many games/sessions are there?
Our Open division usually plays up to two games per week and 15-20 games per season.  Our girls’ division and Learn to Play program normally have 1 game/session per week for 10 games/sessions.

What are the age groups?
For OWBHL age groups please click here.

Will I be subject to health and safety guidelines to participate?
The OWBHL may implement health and safety requirements following public health recommendations and best practices.  Players, parents, and guardians may be required to adhere to those requirements to participate.

When are the games/sessions?
Games/sessions for our Open divisions are normally played on Friday night and Saturday morning/early afternoon. However, due to slab time availability, we may have to schedule some games on Sundays and/or weekdays.

Games/sessions for our Girls’ Division may be played on Friday nights, Saturday morning/afternoon and/or Sunday morning/early afternoon. The schedule may vary due to slab time availability.

Our Learn to Play program usually plays on Saturday mornings. Due to slab time availability, scheduling may require adjustment to alternate days.

When does the season start?
The OWBHL season typically starts Mid April.  Full details and schedules will be announced soon. (2025 Season will Start April 18th and end June 29th)


Where will the sessions be played?
Games are played at arenas in the City of Ottawa. The location of games varies from year to year based on rink availability. We are currently awaiting the confirmation of rink availability for the 2025 season. In the past, the OWBHL has played at rinks such as the Belltown Dome, Dulude Arena, Barbara Ann Scott, Bell Arena, Brewer Arena, McNabb Arena, Mlacak Arena, Jack Charron Arena, and the Nepean Sportsplex.

How long are the sessions?
Each session will be scheduled for 60 minutes.

How many players are on a team?
The OWBHL anticipates that there will be approximately 11-16 players on a team in the 2025 season.

What equipment do I need?
Players are required to wear a helmet, gloves, shin guards (hockey or soccer), proper footwear, and bring a stick. Elbow pads, knee pads, and a protective cup are highly recommended.

Are street hockey sticks permitted?
Plastic screw-in street hockey stick blades are not permitted.

Can I register a team?
OWBHL does not allow team registration. Each player must register individually.

Can I play with a friend?
A player may request to play with a buddy. The player’s buddy must be playing in the same age group as the player. The buddy must also request on his or her registration form to play with the player. Only matching buddy requests will be considered. Players may only request ONE buddy. The OWBHL cannot guarantee that all buddy requests will be adhered to.

Will OWBHL provide a uniform?
Each player will receive an OWBHL t-shirt at the start of the season. Players may keep their t-shirts at the end of the season.

I want to play goalie. Will the league provide me with goalie equipment?
Yes. The OWBHL provides a set of goalie equipment to each team. All borrowed equipment must be returned at the end of the OWBHL season. All goalies must wear full equipment and a CSA-approved mask and helmet. Street hockey masks are NOT permitted.

Will there be a picture day?
The OWBHL may offer a picture day. 

Is there an end-of-season celebration?
The OWBHL normally hosts a BBQ and award ceremony during the last weekend of the season.